
TitanCraft Heroes | Custom Miniatures

Created by Andrew Stockton

~*~*~*~ ANNOUNCEMENT!! ~*~*~*~ Hero Asset Packs are now available on our TitanCraft store: ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Latest Updates from Our Project:

BackerKit surveys sent! Late pledges now available! Merchant editor page
over 2 years ago – Sat, Dec 18, 2021 at 03:43:16 PM

BackerKit surveys sent!

BackerKit surveys have now been sent out to everyone! Make sure to check your inbox and spam folder. By using BackerKit's survey you can:

- upgrade your pledge level

- add add-ons to your pledge (if you didn't already do so in Kickstarter)

- fix a failed Kickstarter payment

After you have completed your BackerKit survey we will be able to send you your reward code(s). We will  start sending those out sometime next week after we have ran some tests with a few select backers. 

Late pledges available

If you missed our Kickstarter, don't worry! Our late pledges are now available.

New merchant editor page

We also wanted to show you the new merchant editor page that we have been setting up. 

You'll now find a 'Sell Prints' link in the navbar, which will take you to the merchant editor page. This page only shows you the assets that you have active merchant rights to print. Also, instead of the usual 'Add to Cart' button, you get a 'Download STL' button and can download models directly from the editor page.

For now there will only be monsters in this page, but you will eventually start to see humanoid models appear in this view as well.

We will be taking some time off for the holidays, so you might not hear from us very much for a little while. So, from our families to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 🥂 We'll see you in 2022...

Andrew & Jared

BackerKit Surveys, Reward Codes, Merchant License Agreements
over 2 years ago – Thu, Dec 09, 2021 at 10:05:37 PM

Hi everyone! We received the funds from Kickstarter! 🥳 Now it's time to start getting ready to send you your reward codes.

BackerKit Surveys

Within the next week or two you should receive an email from BackerKit inviting you to fill out your reward survey. (Check the email associated with your Kickstarter account.) This is the chance for you to confirm your pledge level, as well as add any additional add-ons, before we send you your reward codes.

The deadline for filling out the survey is Jan 16. (All this means is that after Jan 16 you won't be able to increase your pledge level or add additional add-ons.)

Reward Codes

Within a few days of filling out your BackerKit survey, you should receive an email from us containing your unique reward code. Activating this code on your TitanCraft account will link your Kickstarter pledge to your account, so that once TitanCraft Heroes is live you'll immediately be able to redeem your rewards.

  •  If you pledged for physical miniatures: Your reward will appear as vouchers in your account, which can be applied to physical miniatures in your cart at checkout.
  •  If you pledged for the Steampunk/Victorian and Pirate packs: Although these assets won't be added to the editor until next year, this will link them to your account so that when we do add them, you can already use/download them.
  •  If you selected any DesktopHero pack add-ons (Fantasy, Modern, Sci-fi, Sorcery, Druid): Same as above - this will link the (currently empty) asset packs to your account. Your email will also contain additional DesktopHero codes so that you can unlock your asset packs on DesktopHero in the meantime.
  •  If you selected the Monsters All-In add-on: All monsters from the 2020 Kickstarter will be automatically unlocked for your account for immediate use/download.
  •  If you selected the Monsters Sampler add-on: This add-on will appear as vouchers in your account, which can be applied to Monster asset packs in your cart at checkout. (You'll select which monsters you want on the store page.)

Merchant License Agreements

Last but not least! Merchant backers will also receive an email from us containing our Merchant License agreement. Instructions for setting up your merchant account will be provided in that email. We hope to get that sent out within a few days.

If you have any questions, please let us know!


Jared & Andrew

Thank you!
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Nov 25, 2021 at 07:32:27 PM

Thank you everyone for making this Kickstarter a smashing success!

We're humbled by your support. Jared and I were already surprised by how many stretch goals we were clearing. Waking up this morning to see the final 'stretch' stretch goal unlocked was the cherry on top. Free tokens for everyone!


Here's what happens next:

1) Kickstarter will collect your pledge. If for some reason the charge is unsuccessful, Kickstarter will email you with instructions on how to correct it so you can keep your pledge.

2) We're working on getting the BackerKit pledge manager set up. Once we have it, we'll send you a link to your survey where you can finalize your reward and add-on selection. 

If you purchased asset pack add-ons: Within the next few weeks we'll get you codes that you can use to unlock the add-ons you purchased - to your TitanCraft account if you purchased monster packs, and to your DesktopHero account if you purchased hero packs.

If you pledged at the merchant level: We are working on finalizing the merchant agreement. We'll email that to you soon. Once we've received your signed copy, you'll be free to start selling prints of creations you make in TitanCraft (though the official 1 year doesn't start counting down til later, after we have the pirate and steampunk/victorian packs in).

New Race Voting Results

Here are the results for the 8 final backer-voted stretch goal races:

  • 1. Centaur
  • 2. Lizardfolk
  • 3. Werewolf
  • 4. Faun/Satyr
  • 5. Dryad
  • 6. Turtlefolk
  • 7. Zombie
  • 8. Firbolg

Excited to start work on those!

Also, while the Kickstarter has been going on, Jared and I have been working on the new stuff! We'll have some images to show you soon.

Once again, thank you! If it weren't for you, TitanCraft wouldn't exist.

All the best,

Andrew & Jared

Polls are super close. Vote your favorites!
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 01:28:45 AM

All 'New Race' Stretch Goals Unlocked

Well! We just knocked out the last New Race stretch goal, bringing our total to 16 New Races for TitanCraft! And here's what they are:

  • Dwarf
  • Halfling
  • Dragonborn
  • Forged
  • Orc & Half Orc
  • Goblin
  • Kobold
  • Gnome
  • +8 more (voting in progress!)

And here's what the votes are so far:

You can find the voting link in this backers-only update. We'll close the poll shortly after the Kickstarter ends, then announce the results!

Campaign Ending Soon

We just entered the last 48 hours! If you don't mind giving us a shoutout on FB/IG/whatever, we'd really appreciate it. Amazing things happen in the last 2 days when folks share.

Still 1 more stretch goal to unlock if we hit $170K - the Token maker, free for everyone to use.

Bacon-Wrapped Burritos + Sonoran Dogs

Yesterday we got to hang out with Butrdtost from the Discord! Thanks for coming all the way out! (We have a pretty active Discord with some top notch memes. Come join us!)

That's all for now, see you at the end!

Andrew & Jared

Wave 6 Stretch Goals Revealed! Last week!
almost 3 years ago – Sat, Nov 20, 2021 at 10:03:03 PM

Wave 5 is finished! 🥳 Which means we are now on to wave 6...

Wave 6 Stretch Goals

142K - Additional Race

149K - Additional Race

170K - Free 2D Token Maker

Two more additional races are up for grabs plus a free 2D token maker! This is a feature that has been requested from us quite often in the past, and we'd love to be able to add it to our software. There won't be any sort of fee to use this token maker, making it a valuable addition to our 2D virtual tabletop campaigns. The token maker will be available to use on both monsters and humanoids.

5 days to go!

TitanCraft Heroes is shaping up to being something truly special. We have unlocked 20 stretch goals so far thanks to you 1600+ beautiful backers. As of right now, the additional funds raised will allow us to revamp our base meshes, add 12 additional races and provide even more cool features such as the user creation gallery. This Kickstarter has been a smashing success, and here's to going out with a bang! 🍻

Jared & Andrew