
TitanCraft Heroes | Custom Miniatures

Created by Andrew Stockton

~*~*~*~ ANNOUNCEMENT!! ~*~*~*~ Hero Asset Packs are now available on our TitanCraft store: ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Funded in an hour, stretch goals and monster add-on option!
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 02:19:33 PM

Hey all! It's only been a few hours but we already owe you a good few updates!

First of all,

We're Funded!! Thank you!

We hit our $13,000 base funding goal in a little under an hour, and the first $20,000 stretch goal not long after!

Honestly, we're somewhat relieved. You know, we try to do our research, listen to your feedback from our earlier products, and try to put a good plan together for what we'll provide. But until we actually hit the campaign launch button, we don't really know how it's going to do. So we're happy to have gotten such a great reception on the first day. Thanks to you all!

Stretch Goal #1 Unlocked

With our base funding goal, we can port over all the existing assets from DesktopHero. Now that we've unlocked stretch goal 1, we can do an even better job at it! We've improved our process quite a bit since the time we made those DesktopHero assets, and we've been thinking for a while that it would be nice to revisit some of the older ones. So, as we work on the upgrade, you can look forward to:

  • New and better looking male and female base meshes
  • Higher resolution outfits and assets
  • More interchangeable costumes between male and female bodies
  • Updates for some of the plainer costume items

Stretch Goal #2 Unlocked

We also hit our first backer voted additional race stretch goal! Keep your eye out tomorrow for a backers only update containing a link to the poll that will be used. We have added quite a few options to the list, but have also included the option to request your own under "Other". 

Monsters Add-On?

We've gotten lots of requests from folks who missed out on the TitanCraft Monsters Kickstarter, wondering if they can pick them up during this Kickstarter. We think we can make that work. 

Here's what we're thinking: We add 2 Add-on options, the Monster Sampler add-on (unlock 6 custom monsters of your choice), and the Monsters All-In add-on (unlock all 35 monsters from the 2020 Kickstarter). 

Is that the kind of thing you're looking for? Here are the monsters:

Any other input/requests for us?

Thanks all! On to day 2!

Andrew & Jared