
TitanCraft Heroes | Custom Miniatures

Created by Andrew Stockton

~*~*~*~ ANNOUNCEMENT!! ~*~*~*~ Hero Asset Packs are now available on our TitanCraft store: ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Orcs, goblins and wave 4!
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 01:09:32 PM

The results are in. 

Orcs and Goblins will be the next 2 races added to TitanCraft! Let's hear your best goblin noises. Eeerk blek yeee-orrrk!

We have created a new poll for the additional races which you can find in this backers only update. Make sure you select your top 5 choices.

You might also have noticed that half-orc is not on the list. This is because we are confident we can create the two different races using our software's proportion sliders and other tools.

Wave 4 Stretch Goals

Our latest stretch goals have been revealed. They include:

- Additional Race

- Copy/Paste Custom Poses

- Additional Race

- Duplicate Objects

The copy custom poses and duplicate objects features have been frequently requested during TitanCraft's development, so we're pretty darn excited to reveal these stretch goals! :) Fingers crossed we can unlock these. 🤞

Steampunk bear rider I printed over the weekend

 Thanks for all your support!

Jared & Andrew

Last additional races poll, What we are working on, Magnetic Heroes Kickstarter
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 01:07:30 PM

Kobolds and Gnomes are the next two additional races! They have been removed from the poll and will be listed under our unlocked stretch goals soon. 

Last Additional Race Poll

The last additional race poll is found in this backers only update. You might notice that some of the options have been modified and/or removed. These changes were made to make sure that our objectives are clear and we don't run into scope creep. We need to make sure it's clear for both you the backer and us the creator what to expect. Thanks again for your suggestions.

Make sure to pick your top 5 choices. This will be the last poll we run, so we will pick the top winners for however many unlocked additional race stretch goals there are.

What have we been working on?

The moment we passed the 20k stretch goal Andrew and I started working on our plan of attack for the new and improved bodies. We have already got our first revisions done for the new humanoid meshes. They are looking great (pictures soon), and are the first very important step in getting ready for all the new races + revamping assets. We've also been working on our new asset preparation workflow which will result in faster, better looking, and more future proof models. We hope to get all the details nailed down soon 🤞, and then it's asset revamping time!

Magnetic Heroes Kickstarter (no, we didn't collaborate on the name 😅)

We've been following the talented Russian creators Artel W Miniatures for quite a while. Well, they just launched their first Kickstarter and it's truly awesome! They're creating modular miniatures with magnetic, interchangeable bits (heads, handheld items) allowing you to change gear mid-session. The models are super detailed and well worth a look. Physical minis only I'm afraid!

Click here to see their campaign

Last Additional Race Poll
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 03:24:55 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

New Additional Races Poll!
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 07:49:37 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

All wave 3 stretch goals unlocked, Wave 4 revealed on Monday Nov 8
almost 3 years ago – Sun, Nov 07, 2021 at 12:59:23 AM

Hey everyone! Just a quick little update...

Thanks to your overwhelming support we have unlocked all our Wave 3 stretch goals! 🤩 That means TitanCraft will include:

- Improved bases

- 2 new races

- User creation gallery

We are very excited for the additional races and new features, and will provide more detail about those later.

So, this means we are now on to Wave 4! Wave 4 stretch goals will be revealed on Monday ~10:00AM PST. Keep your eye out for that. :)

Thanks again, and enjoy the rest of your weekends!